Patience and flexibility are required when travelling
December 6th 2021

Here in Nova Scotia, we have a saying: "If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes and it will change." Well, right now in the travel industry, that's about right for pandemic-related travel restrictions and requirements. Changes are happening so fast it would make your head spin.
Do I have to be fully vaccinated to board a plane in Canada? Yep.
Do I need a test to depart Canada? It depends on where you're going. And if you do it's probably going to cost you mucho dinero.
Do I need a test to come back? Yes, plus you're most likely going to be tested upon arrival back in Canada now.
What if the requirements change while I'm away? Most changes are going to affect all travellers, regardless of what was in place when you departed Canada.
On top of this, flights are being cancelled and changed left, right, and centre. I cannot stress this enough: I know we all want to travel right now - we've been cooped up for way too long. But things are changing every. single. DAY.
If you are travelling right now, you need to be able to just go with the flow. Flight delayed? Changed? Vacation cut short or extended? Just go with it. And make sure you've booked with a travel advisor so it's not YOU spending hours (yes, many hours!) on hold to get through to the airlines.
Lastly, make sure you have travel protection!!! This is a requirement for all of my bookings, but if you are working with another travel advisor, make sure you get travel protection that offers Covid-related coverage.
While you are ultimately still responsible for adhering to all restrictions and requirements, below are some resources for the latest travel restrictions, requirements, as well as some testing options.
Canadian Government Travel Advice
IATA (International Air Transport Association) Covid Regulations Map
Travel Testing in Halifax Regional Municipality
***Disclaimer: I have no personal experience with any of these testing centres. Links and information are provided as a courtesy only. All of these testing centres also offer Antigen tests, which may satisfy the entry testing requirement to some countries, including the United States. This information is valid at time of publishing but is subject to change at any time.
Switch Health
Lower Water Street
15 minute appt
PCR $160 + HST
Results in 1-2 days
PRAXES Medical Group
Multiple locations - verify which tests at which location
PCR $159 + HST
24-48 Hours - results sent to lab at 5pm daily
Spring Garden Road
PCR Same Day $219.99 + HST
PCR Next Day $149.99 + HST
Are you ready to book something, keeping in mind it may change? - let's find a vacation for you, and hope everything goes smoothly!